About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
Welcome to my Blog Site :) I am so happy you stopped in. I am a part time worker, wife, mom and artist/crafter. I became a grandmother for the first time about a year ago. My passions are Stained Glass and Mixed Media Art. I am a Texas girl living in a house that my father and grandfather built in 1945. I have a loving husband and two teenage boys. My boys are talented musicians who make my life complete. I hope you enjoy reading my posts about music, my boys and grandson and just about life in general. So grab your favorite choice of drink, sit back, relax and happy blogging.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dad In Action

One late night Dad, mom and I were on our way home from the Knights of Columbus.  As dad started the unmarked police car, the dispatcher on the police radio announced a burglary in progress at an address just a block away from our location.  Dad told us to put our seat belts on and to hold on.  He put the car in reverse driving out the parking lot and for half block, put it on drive when he got to the intersection and drove at a high rate of speed for the half block into the parking lot of a convenience store.  While driving like a bat out of hell dad told us, " No matter what happens, stay in the car."   As we drove into the parking lot I saw a young security officer with his gun drawn on five guys with their hands in the air facing the store window.  All at the same time Dad opens the drivers side door, pulls out his off-duty revolver out the back of his pants, and jumps out the car, yelling "Police Officer, Police Officer" while showing his badge.   In seconds, we are surrounded by police cars with lights flashing and sirens blaring.  As officers passed our car they aimed their flashlights at me, sitting in the back seat of the unmarked car.  This was the first time I had seen my dad in action and as you can imagine, my heart was racing.  I told my mom I had never seen dad jump out the car so fast. On our way home dad told us the security guard had gone to the convience store for a cup of coffee and saw these guys robbing the store.  He surprised the robbers when they came out to find the guard with his gun drawn on them.  He said he was glad my dad had driven up when he did because he was outnumbered and scared.  Dad said the other officers asked if I was involved because they saw I was in the back seat.  That night I had trouble sleeping, thinking about what could have happened.  From that night until today, I have a great appreciation for what these great men in blue do on a daily basis and I was forever thankful to God when I would see my Dad come home from work.

1 comment:

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a moving story. I'm really enjoying these this morning.
Maria Linda

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